Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010

art vs. skateboarding

ed templeton...between craziness, skateboarding and hospital


ed templeton was born in the early 70´s and started his professional skateboardingcareer in the mid 80´s. after some different projects in the skatescene he founded the skateboardlabel "toy machine" and started focusing his interest on art, design and photohraphie. in his graphic works and potraits he deales critical and satirical with the modern american culture. in 2000 he won a artistcompetition with his first picture book "teen smokers" which shows a lot of controverse photographies. he is a totally genius in his domain of controverse trash photography and artworks that you can admire in his newest book "the golden age of neglect".
unfortunately a lot of people don´t accept his works as modern art because of some artworks which shows teenage nudity, violation, skateboard injuries or masturbation and public exhibition scences...decide for yourself, but i like his works.

ed´s photography:

ed´s artwork:

ed´s newest book:

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hab gar nicht gewusst, dass der so viel macht.
    Hab mit ihm immer die Emerica Schuhe (um die Jahrtausendwende rum) verbunden.
